Friday, May 15, 2020

Introduction. Bullies Exist In Every Work Place Within

Introduction Bullies exist in every work place within any field there is. There are individuals who were bullied as children who grow into ones, others who grow out of being bullies, and some who continue growing as bullies. The focus of this paper will be exploring the bullying dilemma in the work place as well as the various types of bullying one may witness within the work environment. To bring about a more focused image, the topic will be more specific on the occurrence of bullying in the health care industry and the different factors and individuals involved in this intimidating technique. The healthcare industry involves a great amount of different individuals with a great range of education, experience, and cultural†¦show more content†¦However, some of those bullying types prevalent and relevant to the discussion herein include: verbal abuse, yelling/screaming, threats against institution, derogatory remarks, physical abuse including hitting, biting, kicking, and scratching, intimidation, and written abuse (Edwards O Connell, 2007). Healthcare Related Workplace Harassment Various researches have unfortunately showed that bullying in the healthcare setting is higher than expected. One would expect that a highly sought field by millions of people around the globe for life saving procedures and health improvement to be more tolerant within itself. A 2013 survey implemented by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices has shown that in one year, 87% of nurses have been victims of various forms of bullying specifically from physicians. The form of bullying receive included complete disregard of the nurses’ questions, calls, or requests. Furthermore, the survey found 74% of nurses have experienced an incident of demeaning and insult (Robbins, 2015). The scariest figure that was discovered relates to the 26% discovered who have experienced a doctor throwing an object at the nurse. An example of these insults include surgeons asking a nurse if they’re â€Å"stupid or something† followed by the surgeon throwing a bloody sharp instrument at the nurse (Robbins, 2015). The above statics are supported by Dr Li Chen whoShow MoreRelatedSchool Uniforms : A Veil Of Creativity1615 Words   |  7 Pageshave been in existence for several centuries now. The first documented usage of a ‘standard’ garment in education was in 1222, where students were required to wear a â€Å"cappa clausa† or a robe-like outfit. School uniforms make schools a less happier place. School uniforms restricts self expression. 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