Saturday, December 28, 2019

Comprehensive Business Management System Free Essay Example, 2000 words

Most of the elements required for formulating a Safety management system have been ascertained. Moreover, it has been also linked with the supervision and control of the operations of the company. In Etihad Airways the establishment of SMS also took place to counter the existing dictatorial requirement and to establish according to the new requirements of the regulatory board. The safety management service of Etihad Airways covers the following aspect: Safety of the airport Industrial safety The safety of the aircraft and also its operation. The newly established SMS of the company provides the methods to identify the perils and also offers ways to control and reduce it to an acceptable range. This will also help to determine whether the risk control tools are efficient or not. Furthermore, the SMS sets the desired goals and performance levels for safety. It also seeks to develop a safety culture within the organization, training and promotion system. Now the steps or the building blocks to implement SMS are suggested below. The implementation plan can be divided into 4 phases and each phase can be subdivided into few stages. We will write a custom essay sample on Comprehensive Business Management System or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page This will be also demonstrated by a Gantt chart in the appendix. It is also important to portray a level of expectation from the SMS and the contractors indulge in the development must work accordingly.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay on Preventing Addiction - 1567 Words

Addiction, addict, addicted, and addicting, are all words that are socially frowned upon. Yet adolescent addiction is on the rise, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, prescription drug use in particular is on the rise. On the other hand, use of cigarette smoking, alcohol use, and hallucinogens have decreased, but marijuana use has remained the same. Most addiction starts at the adolescent age when teens are trying to find themselves, and find relief from the social problems they encounter (Parvizy 2005). Researchers have looked into the different factors that can increase the risk of an adolescent becoming addicted to some form of drug or alcohol. In 2005, Parvizy did a qualitative study on the how adolescents†¦show more content†¦In these themes there were also subthemes. According to the researchers the subthemes of cause of addiction were being free and relaxed, gaining a sense of power and authority, lure of alcohol because it is forbidden and wishing to break the rules, curiosity and wishing to experience new sensations. Subthemes of increases in addiction rates are decrease in addiction onset age, availability of drugs and obtaining them easily, and rapid change from the use of inhalants to injecting drugs. Unhealthy friendships and communication subthemes include role of friendship in addiction, and increased use of drugs by adolescents in social places. Relationships between health and addiction included the two subthemes, smoking as the main health barrier and beginning of addiction, and religious beliefs, exercise, self-esteem, and knowledge are the main protective factors from addiction. The sub themes of family were the parents as role models, parental indifference, and hidden drug abuse (Parvizy 2005). Researchers concluded that adolescents used addiction as a way to escape from the social problems they encounter. They use the drugs because they feel that it will help them escape their problems. One problem that was found in a similar study reported that many adolescents lacked the social skills to say no. Homes where the parents heldShow MoreRelatedAddiction Relapse : Prevention, Causes, And Recovering When It Occurs850 Words   |  4 Pages Addiction Relapse: Prevention, Causes, and Recovering when it occurs Ashley Kotowski Wayne State University CED 6720 Addiction Relapse: Prevention, Causes, and Recovering when it occurs Defining relapse can be difficult. Often times, different disciplines define it by differing characteristics. Brandon, Vidrine, Litvin (2007) used a definition for behavioral researchers from Hunt et al., 1971 because it still rings true today. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Januarie sees Maye Essay Example For Students

Januarie sees Maye Essay Money and possessions are continually resurfacing themes in The Merchants Prologue and Tale. The Merchants Tale has a subtle mind behind the narration, as an audience we are never sure whether the tale is being narrated by the Merchant or Chaucer himself. In the general Prologue the portrait of the merchant is unfavourable; the Merchant an ignorant, misogyist who is obsessed with money and financial gain, his insensitivity in this regard permeates the tale in his belief that everything has a price tag tied around its neck. Januaries reasons for marriage are entirely self-serving; concern for his soul and a desire for a youg, beautiful wife who will satisfy his needs with minimum maintenance, both achieved in one fell swoop. Januarie treats the acquisition of a wife like the purchase of property Thanne is a wyf the fruyt of his tresor he constantly brings in financial imagery, the recurring economic motive reveal Januaries view of marriage as a financial contract or animal passion, but as nothing of greater value. From a linguistic perspective Januaries lexis persistently contains economic undertones Ne Take now wyf, qoud he, for Housbondrye,, As for to spare in household thy dispense, here Januarie uses wordplay to state the benefits of marriage, such as to economise household expenditures. Husbandry is polysemous, in this context it means domestic economy, however it could also mean the act of being a husband. This pun shows the correlation between marriage and money. According to scholastic definition, a Merchant buys goods only to sell them again, just as he received them, at a higher price. Hence by definition a merchant is rarely interested in the object he is selling but rather what it will bring and what its worth. In allegorical terms it can be argued Januarie is a merchant. Januarie buys Maye for Heaven on Earth So delicat, withouten wo and stryf, That I shal havemyn hevene in erthe heere, he is not only interested in her as a sexual object but what she will be bring and what she is worth. Ultimately Mayes role in the tale should be irrelevant ,in line with medieval attitudes towards women, the absence of her name and her taciturn nature up until Januaries blindness cast her as nothing more than a piece of Januaries property, Maye is window dressing, a trophy wife to compensate for Janruaries stooping age. Maye is viewed by Januarie as merely moebles; personal property. From a biblical perspective she is nothing more than a yifte; a gift from God. Women in medieval terms are viewed as chattel, an article of movable personal property or a slave. Januarie talks of Maye as A wyf to laste unto his lyves ende, for thanne his lyfe is set in sikernesse here, women are equated with property. If I yow tolde of every scrit and bond, by which that she was feffed in his lond, or for to herken of hir riche array The field from which the language is drawn is almost contractual and legalistic this reflects the terms in which Januarie sees Maye, Januarie finally condescends to buy Maye: emphasis is placed on the fact this purchase does not come cheaply. Later on in the tale Januarie asks Maye to think how he decided to choose her noght for no coveitise, doutelees he chose her for love not because of wealth. Januarie selects a woman without property or status, thinking this will guarantee his control over her. This reflects the social and cultural and an attitude of the time where title is equated with nobility and personal wealth is tied with respectability. When looking for a wife January literally shops for the girl who will be fortunate enough to become his bride.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Architecting Enterprise Solutions with UNIX Networking

Question: Discuss the microsoft operating systems instead of UNIX based operating systes? Answer: Operating Systems The decision to use Microsoft operating systems instead of UNIX based operating system for the companys Internet servers is wrong. More than 80% of the Internet servers are run the UNIX based operating systems and this is done for various reasons. There exist various factors that conclude that UNIX OSs eclipse Microsoft OSs in terms of their performance on Internet servers. First and foremost of all is Security. Security is pivotal in Internet servers. UNIX is innately more secure than Windows, be it on a server or in an embedded environment. This is in regard with the fact that UNIX was designed essentially to be a multiuser OS (Dedeke, 2009). Thus, only the administrator, or the root user, has administrative privileges, and users do not have the authority to access the kernel. Meanwhile, users of a Window OS can intentionally skin data from the administrator. Furthermore, UNIX OSs get attacked by viruses malwares less frequently than Microsoft OSs and it is faster and easier to de tect vulnerabilities in UNIX systems than in Microsoft systems. Second factor of UNIXs superiority over Microsoft is Stability. UNIX based systems are well applauded for their ability to perform for years without malfunctioning. Reports even suggest that some of the users have never experienced a crash in their history of usage of UNIX. Thus, UNIX systems are great for companies for which even a small downtime can have grave consequences. UNIX systems can also handle a large number of processes running at once much better than Windows (Microsoft OS); i.e. UNIX is better at multitasking than Microsoft OS. This tends to degrade Microsoft OSs stability quickly. Changes in configuration in Microsoft OSs generally requires a reboot (that results in downtime), whereas theres no need to reboot the UNIX system to make configuration changes, also it doesnt affect unrelated services like windows does. Moving from performance to costs, two important factors are Hardware and TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). To accommodate Microsoft OSs ever increasing resource demands, it typically tends to require frequent hardware upgrades, whereas UNIX systems are slim, flexible and scalable, and perform admirably on almost all computers, regardless of their processor or infrastructure (Hong Rezende, 2012). UNIX systems can be easily reconfigured in order to include only the services that are required by the companys purposes, thus plummeting memory requirements and enhancing performance. There is no comparison to UNIX in terms of total cost of ownership as the OS is generally free. A normal Microsoft OS is more expensive than an enterprise UNIX OS purchased with corporate support as Microsoft OSs include user-based licensing and a cluster of other add-ons, specifically for security. Now coming to a rather supplementary advantage of UNIX systems over Microsoft systems, that being Freedom. With UNIX systems there arent any commercial merchants trying to commit you into some specific prod ucts. Instead the user is free to amalgamate and use whatever works best for the company. To conclude UNIX systems have the upper hand over Microsoft systems in the area of performance (security stability) as well as cost (hardware TCO). Viewing these advantages, its no wonder governments, corporations and big MNCs rely on the open source OS (UNIX) in their own servers (Blommers, 1999). Thus, it would be best for our company to use UNIX base servers rather than Microsoft OS on the companys servers for better performance and lower costs. UNIX based servers are a win-win. References Blommers, J. (1999).Architecting enterprise solutions with UNIX networking. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR. Dedeke, A. (2009). Is Linux Better than Windows Software?.IEEE Softw.,26(3), 104-104. doi:10.1109/ms.2009.72 Hong, S., Rezende, L. (2012). Lock-in and unobserved preferences in server operating systems: A case of Linux vs. Windows.Journal Of Econometrics,167(2), 494-503. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2011.09.031

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ethics Paper free essay sample

The role of ethics and social responsibility aids organizations in developing a strong strategic plan, while addressing the needs of stakeholders. Ethics and social responsibility require social awareness to address the needs of the environment and to increase the knowledge of employees, which will lead to a corporation focused on supplying the customer with what is needed, managers equipped with solid decision-making abilities, and employees who believe that he or she are an asset to the business. It is the executive manager’s responsibility to establish a clear vision for the corporation and place a specific focus on understanding stakeholder’s needs. In an effort to support these requirements agendas and regulations will be developed to maintain and enforce business ethics within the organization. It is vital for an organization to establish a firm code of ethics for employees and managers to agree and adhere to equality within the organization. Establishing a universal understanding of ethics and expanding the knowledge and of ethics will strengthen the corporation socially by enforcing respect towards everyone, respect for the organization and a corporation that is working together to form a universal business. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Ethics are the morals, values, and beliefs of individuals it is the right and wrong behavior and believes of individuals. The importance of establishing and maintain an ethical business is to prevent various types of litigations against the company; protecting the business, stakeholders, managers, and employees. Smart corporations operate proactively rather than reactively, preventive measures such as human resource training modules, computer based training (CBT), employee handbooks, and semi-annual reviews, and company surveys will serve as a matrix to measure and identify the ethics and social responsibility of the organization. Deciding to open a new business can be a difficult task. Appropriate planning is essential to establishing a productive business. An individual must have capital, an idea, licensing, and the will to make establish and sustain a successful business. Business planning is a strategic part of formation; contractual agreements are another important factor of communication so that each member has the same understanding of the commitment that he or she has made. Each individual has to be dedicated and responsible to the outcome of the entity no matter how big or small the business; responsibility, and knowledge are the foundation to start a business. The fall of the housing market is an example of how business ethics can change the environment. Mortgage lenders were approving individuals and families for loans that he or she could not afford. The lender would make a commission off of the loan and most banks were aware that over half of the loans begin approved were bad loans. Ethically this is not right, the lenders were deceiving the borrowers leading them to believe that the home was affordable and within his or her price range. Another corporation that operated unethically was Ford Motor Company with the production of the Ford Pinto. To compete with international competition and achieve Lee’s goal of producing the Pinto within a small time frame led to designing and manufacturing flaws. This resulted in a fuel tank design that would put the Pinto in a combustible situation should rear end accidents penetrate the poorly designed fuel tank. Realizing the design malfunction and deciding how to fix the fuel tank brought about a difficult management decision. Analyst determined it was more affordable to keep the current flawed design and save $11 million knowing some of their customers would ultimately be killed by this decision (Trevino, L. K. , Nelson, K. A. 2007). Organizations must remember that when a product or service is rendered the company assumes risk and liability associated with the production and efficiency of the product. Corporations such as Ford who willing put stakeholders at risk are not ethical corporations, the reputation of the business is at stake which flows down to all stakeholders both internal and external. Lee Iacocca was concerned with the increasing profit of Ford in the small car department; however his choice came with a costly price. Innocent people were killed and harmed and the company faced a tremendous down fall. Organizations have a social responsibility to all stakeholders and an ethical reputation to uphold as a reliable, profitable company working to provide world class service. Ethics Paper free essay sample A description of the differences in how each theory addresses ethics and morality  · A personal experience to explain the relationship between virtue, values, and moral concepts as they relate to one of the three theories When discussing ethics and the similarities of the different lenses one should explain what the lenses are. A description of the differences in which each theory addresses ethics and morality. A personal experience can be used to explain virtue, values, and moral codes First of all, ethics may be defined as, the basic concepts and fundamental principles of human right conduct which includes the study of universal value. Ethics deal with the question of what is morally right or wrong. These orals deal not only with your business life but also our personal life. There are ethical lenses which include virtue theory, utilitarian and deontological theory. Virtue theory is dealing mainly with the character of a person. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This theory emphasizes one’s character not he obligations or duties that are expected of them. Virtues are qualities that virtually morally good and desirable in a person. Utilitarian usually answers the question â€Å"What one ought to do in a situation. † A utilitarian may answer this question with the statement that individual should do whatever is the greater good for everyone involved. Utilitarian often involves accessing the consequences of one’s actions and what will resolve in the best interest of all involved. Deontological theory relates to ethics as a duty rather than a moral responsibility. When describing the deontology theory one must wonder is there a difference when considering what is morally and is this not your duty to do such. Deontology theory relates to the duty instead of the outcome because no matter how much effort no one can control the future. When observing the different ethical theories one may believe that although their differences are unique there are similarities in them. One may state that a similarity between utilitarian and deontology is that they both require one to consider their duty something that should be done and considering the character of an individual is if it will be done. If an individual has morals and character he or she may consider it their duty to do what is morally correct. On the other hand although their similarities are close knit; they each have a distinct difference depending on the individual. For instance, recently the complex next door caught fire due to bad wiring. The company put all the tenants up for the weekend because they believed that this is what they ought to do. After the weekend the tenants were told that the situation had been turned over to their insurance company and it was out of their hands. The tenants believe that the company should hold their self-responsible and accommodate them much more. The utilitarian theory would say that the company is responsible and that they ought to do the right thing. But what is the right thing. The deontology theory may say that it is the company’s duty to accommodate the tenants in any way possible because the fire was their fault. While the virtue theory considers the character of the company, it may be that the company has no compassion and goes strictly by the book. The virtue theory deals with character of the individuals involved in the company. In conclusion the virtues and morals of businesses depend on the different ethical theories. Although they have their similarities there are differences in the theories that affect the outcome of what business considers being morally correct. Whereas a company may be virtuous and believe that it is morally and financially responsible to the tenants, another may feel that they ought to let the insurance company make the decision of what to do. The other may consider feel it is their duty to help the tenants in any way possible, after all their employee caused the fire.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Definition and Examples of Disjuncts in English Grammar

Definition and Examples of Disjuncts in English Grammar In English grammar, a disjunct is a type of sentence adverb that comments on the content or manner of what is being said or written. Put another way, a disjunct is a word or phrase that explicitly expresses the stance of a speaker or writer. Also called a sentence adjunct or sentence modifier. Unlike adjuncts, which are  integrated into the structure of a sentence or clause, disjuncts stand outside the syntactic structure of the text they are commenting on. In effect, says David Crystal, disjuncts look down from above on a clause, making a judgment about what it is saying or how it is phrased (Making Sense of Grammar, 2004). As explained below, the two basic types of disjuncts are content disjuncts (also known as attitudinal disjuncts) and style disjuncts.   The term disjunct is sometimes also applied to any of  two or more items connected by the disjunctive conjunction or. Etymology: From the Latin, to separate Examples and Observations Without a doubt, one of the  most popular and influential television shows  from the 1960s is the original  Star Trek  series, created by Gene Roddenberry.(Kenneth Bachor, Five  Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the Original  Star Trek. Time,  September 8, 2016)Strangely enough, they have a mind to till the soil, and the love of possessions is a disease in them.(Sitting Bull, Powder River Council Speech, 1875)â€Å"As weve discussed, the information you brought us has been, shall we say, a bit thin.  To be perfectly candid, my government feels as if were being played.†(Jeffrey S. Stephens, Targets of Opportunity, 2006)But sadly, one of the problems with being on public radio is that people tend to think youre being sincere all the time.(Ira Glass, quoted by Ana Marie Cox and Joanna Dionis in Mother Jones, September-October, 1998)Regrettably, the book is no longer in print, but copies can be found in libraries and secondhand bookshops.â€Å"Well, cou ld you sleep? the Count asked the next night upon his arrival in the cage.â€Å"Quite honestly, no, Westley replied in his normal voice.(William Goldman, The Princess Bride, 1973) Hopefully, the book will inspire readers to a wider interest in weather, atmospheric science, and earth science in general.(Keay Davidson, Twister. Pocket Books, 1996)Hopefullyand Other Commentary Disjuncts- Its time to admit that hopefully has joined that class of introductory words (like fortunately, frankly, happily, honestly, sadly, seriously, and others) that we use not to describe a verb, which is what adverbs usually do, but to describe our attitude toward the statement that follows. . . . But be aware that some sticklers still take a narrow view of hopefully. Will they ever join the crowd? One can only hope.(Patricia T. OConner, Woe Is I: The Grammarphobes Guide to Better English in Plain English, rev. ed. Riverhead Books, 2003)- Long before the controversial use of hopefully came along, it was possible to marshal words like happily, fortunately, foolishly, cleverly, in dual roles, as manner adverbs or disjuncts: He spent all his money foolishly or Foolishly, he spent all his money; He landed fortunately in a haystack or He landed in a haystack, fortunately; She did not weave all of the tapestry cleverly, Cleverly, she did not weave all of the tapestry. All the howling about hopefully, all the moralizing and execration, ignored the fact that a pattern of usage already existed, and that the hated word was merely taking up an available position. Other words of the same kind are currently being treated in the same way. One of them is regretfully, which is now being used as a commentary disjunct with the meaning It is to be regretted that . . . (Regretfully, we cannot serve early morning tea). This usage might be criticized on the grounds that we already have a perfectly adequate commentary disjunct in regrettably, and that there can be no good reason for pressing an impostor into service. Users, however, are stubbornly unanswerable to the gods of good reason.(Walter Nash, An Uncommon Tongue: The Uses and Resources of English. Routledge, 1992) Style Disjuncts and Content DisjunctsThere are two kinds of disjuncts: style disjuncts and content disjuncts. Style disjuncts express comments by speakers on the style or manner in which they are speaking: frankly as in Frankly, you have no chance of winning ( I am telling you this frankly); personally in Personally, Id have nothing to do with them; with respect in With respect, it is not up to you to decide; if I may say so in They are rather rude, if I may say so; because she told me so in She wont be there, because she told me so ( I know that because she told me so). Content disjuncts comment on the content of what is being said. The most common express degrees of certainty and doubt as to what is being said: perhaps in Perhaps you can help me; undoubtedly in Undoubtedly, she is the winner; obviously in Obviously, she has no wish to help us.(Sidney Greenbaum, Adverbial. The Oxford Companion to the English Language, ed. Tom McArthur, Oxford University Press, 1992)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Problems with African Democracy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Problems with African Democracy - Research Paper Example To better understand the main challenges that Democracy has faced in Africa, it is important to briefly look at the history of Democracy in Africa. As Samuel Decalo argues in his book Psychosis of Power: African Personal Dictatorship, the struggle for independence in Africa since the first half of the twentieth century was based on the view that the colonized people had the right and the ability to determine their political destinies on the basis of self-determination (Decalo, 1989). Decalo goes ahead to argue in this book that many African countries embraced democracy as an ideal system of governance because democracy offered all the citizens of a country the opportunity to participate in the decision making of their countries. Decalo goes ahead to argue that African countries embraced Democracy because they were tired of the authoritarian rule of the colonizers and they therefore wanted a system of governance that would ensure that all the citizens of their countries would participate in making crucial decision of their countries. However, when many African countries became independent from late 1950s up to the early 1990s, what followed was a history of authoritarian regimes and many coup d’à ©tats (Owusu, 1991).  In his article â€Å"Democracy and Africa- A view from the Village†, Owusu says that from 1960 up to 1990, more than thirty African countries had experienced either a coup d’à ©tat, or an abortive coup d’à ©tat.Â